Portrait of the Artist May, 2016
Global threats to opinion and truth

Elephant, with Horst Kiechle stomach.
Immovable object. February 2016

- April, 2017

Plumb-True. March, 2017
When Erewhon is Everywhere.

Basket Case. September, 2016.
Articulate Project Space, Sydney, Aus.
On the button. Thanks to Kevin Sheehan.

Coastal Erosion in The Southern Hemisphere. April, 2016
Water loss - water gain. The earth drowns.

Light and Shelter. March. 2016
The balance of things as far as we can see.

Coastal Erosion in the Southern Hemisphere, # 7
April. 2017

Cow. March, 2017
Watching the deluge from the Crop-dusting planes: one wonders

Portrait of the Artist May, 2016
Global threats to opinion and truth
Elephant, with Horst Kiechle stomach.
Immovable object. February 2016
- April, 2017
Plumb-True. March, 2017
When Erewhon is Everywhere.
Basket Case. September, 2016.
Articulate Project Space, Sydney, Aus.
On the button. Thanks to Kevin Sheehan.
Coastal Erosion in The Southern Hemisphere. April, 2016
Water loss - water gain. The earth drowns.
Light and Shelter. March. 2016
The balance of things as far as we can see.
Coastal Erosion in the Southern Hemisphere, # 7
April. 2017
Cow. March, 2017
Watching the deluge from the Crop-dusting planes: one wonders
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